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Instant Liquidity
Get instant ETH deposited into your wallet with instant estimates on your NFT’s valuation. No minimum Value needed to liquidate. We offer you 70% of your NFT’s value instantly” No need to wait for estimates on your NFT’s valuation!

Earn with Genesis Alpha Pass
Transfer your ETH to NFTuloan and you could be staking up to 30% APR. NFTuloan offers the highest yield for your ETH.
- Purchase our Alpha Genesis Pass NFT
- Stake your ETH
- Become a liquidity provider
- No minimum balance
- 70% of the interest paid by the borrowers goes straight to the liquidity pool, where all lenders benefit from it.
Estimate average APR: 30%
How does it work ?
Give liquidity to your NFT
Connect your wallet
Select the NFT
Estimate the NFT value
Define the duration between 1h to 30 days
… You will receive your ETH after a couple of seconds directly to your wallet. Yes, it is that simple!

Increase your portfolio
Short and long term liquidity
Few steps only
Paperless and hassle-free
Use your dormant ETH
Increase your income
Balance updated in real-time
Withdraw anytime
What you will get

Fully on-chain

Instant NFT estimation

Instant funding

Low-interest rate

Liquidity guaranteed

Unique Marketplace
Buy NFTs at a bargain price with 30% discount rates off of any NFT from our marketplace. Join our community by purchasing our Alpha Genesis NFTs to get exclusive discounts when shopping starting front 30% rates off of any NFT. No marketplace competes with your unique prices!